Disclaimer: This is just a thought that poofed into my mind while I was trying to name my new bunny stuff toy. Believe in this Tip at your own risk.
Have you ever put an effort on doing something only to realize that what you did was not the best?
That someone did a job better than you without working as hard as you?
I know what that feels.
Someone once said,
"Work smart, not hard.".
That changed my way of doing things.
Why work smart and not hard?
I'll enumerate its advantage,
1) Working smart save you time - instead of working you could just spend your extra time with your family or have a little time off.
2) Working smart save your energy - working hard not only drains your time but also your energy.
3) Working smart can give you the same or better results than working hard - this is the part that is the best. You spend less time and energy for the same result, it just like having an ice cream without making it!
4) Working smart will give you an advantage to anything - this is an exaggeration. If you work smart, you need to think carefully and analyze the things you will do. That really gives you an advantage about doing something.
Now, how do you work smartly?
It really depends on you!
But the words that matter really are
1) Effiency - doing things in the right manner
2) Effectiveness - doing the right thing.
How could you remember this?
"Be effective, do the right things. Be efficient, do it right for the first time without taking up too much time and effort."
If your goal is to do the laundry:
You're effective if you finished doing it.
You're efficient if you finished it right away
You can be effective at something without being efficient
but you cannot be efficient if youre not effective.
Try doing the laundry but end up finishing watching tv - you cannot measure your efficiency if you did not achieve your end goal (which is to do the laundry).
So the two steps to working smart are
1) Be effective
2) Be efficient
Want me to elaborate?
1) Focus on the goal(s) and make (a) plan(s) on how to achive it.
2) Execute the most efficient plan and do it right for the first time. Doing it the 2nd time is being inefficient.
Well, this basically sums up everything.
If there are any questions and reactions, feel free to comment.
Always Remember
"Work Smart, not Hard."
P.S. When i said "Work smart", it doesn't mean you'll not work anymore. As you can see, the word "Work" is in the statement.
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