I once read a funny comic strip that goes like this. A teenager said to his friend that love makes the world go round. His friend answered that it's money that makes the world go round. Then someone butted in and said that it is the tangential rotation created by magnetic fields among the planets and... well, what happened next is that the two punched the guy in the face for destroying an otherwise normal and healthy conversation. Yeah, I know, it's not funny by the way I told it.
Anyway, it's the second guy's answer that really caught my attention. Money. We are now living in a very capitalistic world, and it seems that guy no. 2 is right. Twenty years ago we have no computers, no cellphones, no MP3 players. Now, it's like we cannot leave the house without our cells and laptops and any other gadgets. I know, I know, cellphones are helpful gadgets, since you can connect to anyone anywhere, laptops are great cause of their portability. But still, do we need to further increase these gadgets abilities other than what they are really intended for? And it's because of these things that people think they have to upgrade when in fact what they already have is enough.
Actually, it's not money, it's greed. I mean, I understand that oil prices are soaring in the market, and so companies must also elevate their price. But notice this, they immediately increase their price when the market price increases, but when it goes down, they take their sweet time in decreasing their prices, and by small increments too! Ergo, by the next increase, the base price is now higher! Outrageous! And so, like domino, other consumer products have to also increase their prices because of the greediness of some businessmen.
It is also through this greed that blood flows. War, crimes, corruption. What the heck?! Do some people really can't have enough? The world should be big enough for everyone to benefit, but no, some people think they need to have more than others.
This is getting long, and my blood pressures getting higher, so I have to cut this short. Just a few more words to you: let us help each other in decreasing, if not eliminating, greed not only for our sake but for the sake of the now suffering future...
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